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Purity Bouquet


Perfectly pure, poised, and breathtakingly pretty! Express elated joy, touching beauty, and delicate sentiment with this bouquet artfully arranged by a professional florist. Lift their spirits--send today!

Potpourri Bouquet


Dazzle your spouse or significant other with this fresh and colorful assortment of yellow, blue and purple sunflowers. This glrgeous medley of flowers is the perfect way to say Happy Anniversary.

How Romantic


Spoil your most special someone rotten with this vibrant and fragrant assortment of classically beautiful red roses. Soft yet bold, these blooms will send the perfect message of love and affection as you celebrate a cherished year together.

Spring Dreams Arrangement


Show your love and devotion on your anniversary with this beautiful basket, brimming with a rainbow of vibrant and fragrant roses.

Charming Pleasures


Dainty and sweet are the most harmonious touch to that special day. Wander away down the pathway of deepest love and sincere affections with a sensuous presentation of scarlet red, precious pink, and shimmering white blossoms to set that occasion right. Now is the time to charm them from head to toe.

Rose Devotion


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful and unexpected anniversary surprise!

Cotton Candy


Candy colored roses and carnations are collected in a sugar-spun shimmering glass vase full of flowers in this dulcet design. A pretty pink ribbon is the icing on the cake! Flowers are a sweet treat to say "You've made me feel loved every day!"

Springtime Wonderland


A rejuvenating assortment of pastel flowers and vibrant greenery creates a charming and refreshing collection. Sweetly scented and beautiful, these blooms are sure to bring smiles aplenty, making them an inspiring and special anniversary gift!

Purple Cottage


Say "Happy Anniversary!" with irresistible ivory roses and vivid violet flowers, lavished with an elegant lavender ribbon. Our local florist's keen attention to each arrangement ensures this delivery in one your special someone will never forget!

18 Red Roses


Give the ultimate statement with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of eighteen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Two-Dozen Red & White Anni..


Simply sublime in its beauty and aroma, this arrangement of two-dozen red and white roses and touches of tender greens makes for one unforgettable Anniversary surprise!

Loving Memories Forever


Let that certain someone know that you are thinking of them on their special day. They will be surprised with not twelve, but fifteen beautiful roses. (Other color options are available in the shopping cart)

Romantic & Fragrant Annive..


Lovely lilies and ravishing roses explode with color and fragrance from this charming arrangement. A beautiful and delightful anniversary gift for your most special someone.

Wrapped Around My Heart


Dazzle her on your anniversary with this exquisite arrangement, boasting 12 radiant, richly red roses. Velvety and vibrant, these brilliant bold blooms will brighten her day and let her know just how much she means to you!

Six Pink Roses


Stunning and exquisite, this array of six sensational pink roses brims with classic beauty and breathtaking elegance. Velvety, vibrant and truly sweet smelling, these blooms are an unforgettable anniversary gift for your special lady!

My Endless Love


Celebrate with elegant sophistocation as if off to the royal ball or being knighted for a lifetime of knightmanship! Hues of innate royalty shout bold and beautiful in the eye of that special someone. Walk her down the court as a true princess to be.

Gracious Flirt


Charming, lovely, and absolutely precious, this bouquet of fresh flowers in pretty reds and pinks radiates both style and harmony. A truly delightful anniversary celebration!

Sweet Daisy Dreams


Delightful, darling daisies dance dreamily in haute hues of lovely lavender and peppy purple! Charming and sweet smelling, these vibrant flowers make a smile-inducing, cheerful anniversary gift!

Forever Yours Bouquet


Replenish spirits with a gorgeous breath of fresh air! Beautifully arranged with lovely roses, lilies, and greens, this anniversary bouquet truly adds an aura of peace and harmony to the room.

Heartfelt Harmony


Its as if winning the lottery when that special someone graces the unexpected arrival of Heartfelt Harmony in a fantabulous palette of exuberant colors. Everybody is a winner on that special day to be remembered with a selfless token of affection!

Scarlet Fusion


A vibrant, fresh fusion of pink, purple and magenta radiates vivid beauty and vivacity. Bold and brilliant, these flowers are sure to illuminate any room, making them a truly breathtaking and sweet smelling anniversary gift!

Pretty for Spring Bouquet


Radiant roses, darling daisies, and gorgeous greens spring to life from this bountiful bouquet. Vibrant hues and sweet floral scents make this arrangement an unforgettable anniversary gift that is sure to win you major brownie points with your sweetie!

Indian Summer Arrangement


Roses burst from this bouquet in colors of pink, peach, yellow, red, blue and purple, filling any room with vibrance and joy. This medley of fragrance and beauty is an ideal gift for your spouse or significant other on an anniversary.

Changing Colors Bouquet


When celebrating your anniversary, send flowers to that most special someone in your life to show how much you care. This gorgeous assortment of elegant and stylish blooms is an ideal way to send your love and warm their heart.

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