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Birthday Flowers Birthday Flowers, Birthday Balloons, Birthday Gift Baskets, at Justflowers.com
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French Country Bouquet


This bountiful bouquet, infused with the charm of the French countryside, boasts a captivating collection of fragrant flowers. What an elegantly rustic and thoughtful birthday gift!

Purity Bouquet


Perfectly pure, poised, and breathtakingly pretty! Express elated joy, touching beauty, and delicate sentiment with this bouquet artfully arranged by a professional florist. Lift their spirits--send today!

Lavender of Love Bouquet


Luscious lavender blooms exude beauty and grace from this exquisite bouquet. Sweet floral scents and natural charm are always a wonderful way to show you care!

Cotton Candy


Candy colored roses and carnations are collected in a sugar-spun shimmering glass vase full of flowers in this dulcet design. A pretty pink ribbon is the icing on the cake! Flowers are a sweet treat to say "Happy birthday!"

Exotic Scarlet Nights


Classically beautiful and supremely elegant, this array of radiant red roses brims with grace and charm! Velvety, rich blooms always make a sweet smelling and truly memorable birthday gift!

Jazz and the Blues


Its time to take that walk in the park and sip on a fresh brewed iced tea for a Jazz and the Blues. Design your life with a hip and modernly functional twist of high fashion with an arrangement of pure shimmering blossoms in deep various hues of blue. This dazzling arrangement will shine as if on the catwalk!

A Pitcher of Petals


Bask in a soothing bubble bath of luscious pink roses petals for nature's gracious gifts are for peace and tranquility. Hot pink and pastel pink blossoms glisten with nature's most perfect creation ever! Send a plethora of mother's nature's true gift and be charmed by their gratitude.

Mixed Beauties


Capture all the loveliness and artistry of nature's beauty with this breathtaking birthday bouquet. Send flowers today!

Orchids & 2 Dz Roses Galore


Declare the heights of ultimate beauty! Make a grand birthday statement full of sumptuous extravagance and delicate grace with two-dozen classic roses in a tranquil glass vase. Truly magnificent!

A Windfall of Orchids


Invigorate the spirit with these elegant and captivating flowers. Radiate the joy of pure beauty!

Large Mixed Vase Arrangement


Vibrant, colorful and bursting with life and fragrance, this assortment of mixed flowers will illuminate the world! What a perfectly heartfelt and heartwarming birthday gift!

Inspired with Pink


Bursting to life with red and pink blooms, this exquisite bouquet of flowers exudes vibrant beauty and natural grace. Delicate yet bold, this array of petals makes a simply divine birthday gift!

Soothing Elegance Birthday..


The softness of pink lilies set around an assortment of fresh, white flowers, is truly an ode to Nature's beauty and bounty. Show someone you care on their birthday with this delicate yet vibrant bouquet of blooms.

A Feminine Touch


Add that magical Feminine Touch to that cherished occasion with a brimming plethora of classic blossoms in shades of precious pink, shimmering white, and dazzling red. Wave your magic wand and a special little something will appear on their doorstep on surprise!

Springtime Fantasies


Open your eyes to the season of spring! Luscious sensuous blossoms in the perfect shades of invigorating green and precious pink highlight the promise of a new dawn. New beginnings and budding romances happen in the season of prosperity. Give that special someone the gift of joy with a simple thought of kindness.

Butterfly Basket


Deliver dozens of delighted smiles with this enchanting collection of color and joy! Send birthday flowers today!

Tons of Roses


Be in love with Tons of Roses to show most intimate feelings from the heart and soul. Peach and pink velverty roses communicate in ways words cannot. Show them your true heart with a plethora of luscious roses in the colors of love!

Into the Light


Fanciful flushes of lavender, purple and white dance dreamily amid this stunning array of fresh flowers! Breathtaking appeal and sweet floral scents make these beautiful blooms a truly splendid birthday gift!

Bear and Bouquet


Send lots of warm affection with colorful flair! Adorable and lovely, this cuddly creature hugs an exquisite bouquet of fresh flowers with a sweet and earnest expression. A most charming way to say happy birthday�order today!

Birthday Party Bouquet


Yellow, white and pink daisies are the perfect way to wish a special someone Happy Birthday. Send flowers today to a lucky birthday boy or girl.

The Colors of Love


Picturesque luminous blooms in red and white display the genuine Colors of Love. White symbolizes peace and tranqulity, and red symbolizes love and romance for a perfect combination to show your undivided affections. Court that special someone with a gift that will never be forgotten.

Opulent Pleasures


Enjoy The Opulent Pleasures for the exotic has arrived in style! A cherished gift of good luck, prosperity, and abundance shines upon that special someone with the most sincerest intentions. Be that inspiration in their life through a warm token of your affections!

Potpourri Bouquet


This cheerful and bright assortment of yellow, blue and purple sunflowers is the perfect way to wish a loved one Happy Birthday. Send these flowers to day and brighten someone's day with the gift of sunshine!

Pinky Birthday Vase


Do you know someone with a passion for pink? Make her birthday even more festive with this charming vase, brimming with gorgeous pink flowers, and adorned with an assortment of colorful birthday balloons.

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